Extended Reality in Business

  • blog-prof Dreamerz Lab

January 04, 2023

Extended Reality in Business

XR includes AR & VR with applications in healthcare, engineering, food, e-commerce and retail, education, real estate, workplace, defense, and travel and tourism.

blog-prof Dreamerz Lab

Extended Reality in Business

January 04, 2023

Potential use case of businesses using Extended Reality: 


Imagination is infinite, and by creatively combining XR technology with our imagination, new frontiers will open up. That said, several XR applications already have huge social relevance and impact. In this section we will discuss the opportunities and benefits of using XR technologies in the flowing industries:  


  1. Healthcare Industries: Medical imaging technologies like MRI and CT scans now make extensive use of extended reality. Immersive models allow doctors to practice skills without risking lives – to learn general surgical techniques or develop procedures for complex operations.
  2. Engineering and Manufacturing: XR tools can save money, and time, and prevent injuries. Designers can immerse themselves in life-size plans while drafting. A job simulator can include accurate deadlines, distractions, and other pressing demands. AR can also assist in other processes like assembly, quality control, and maintenance.
  3. Food: Proper hygiene in food facilities is one of the most important aspects of food production. The digital layer can highlight critical areas that can be overlooked with manual processes, ensuring all important areas are covered. It can even add a no-oversights feature which means workers cannot move on to the next step until all necessary steps have been completed.
  4. E-Commerce and retail: In stores, customers can learn all about products just by pointing their camera at an augmented reality-enabled item. In e-commerce, AR brings the shopper closer to an in-person experience – especially during the pandemic. Retailers can also offer discounts through this medium while uncovering shopping patterns in the data.
  5. Education: XR enables virtual field trips, 3D models of molecules and virtual astronauts. Augmented reality gives students hands-on, real-world experience without the need for a classroom. National Education Association has found that learning retention is only 5% for lectures and 10% for reading. VR is among the top 2 with learning retention of 75%.
  6. Real Estate: You can produce advertisements, sales presentations, and open houses for use with smartphones or headsets. Real estate agents already exploit XR's core functions with current tools built into some web browsers.
  7. Workplace: The pandemic has triggered a series of new workplace arrangements. Executives see extended reality as an effective method to reconnect employees. It brings new opportunities for on-the-job training and helps employees learn as they go, getting hands-on experience in a controlled environment.
  8. Defense: Militaries around the world are investing billions in XR technologies. which combine virtual reality with real-world data to boost infantry readiness and effectiveness. By employing virtual reality, artificial intelligence (AI), and biometric tracking, the US Air Force has reduced pilot training from 12 months to four. XR can deliver training far faster and at less cost than traditional training in many cases.
  9. Travel & Truism: Extended reality tourism gives consumers the opportunity to travel the world safely and at a fraction of the cost. This technology also creates a new revenue stream for companies struggling to stay afloat. In Jordan, for example, the government launched the Petra Xplore App, which uses virtual reality technology to teleport visitors to the UNESCO World Heritage Site.


The possibility for creating new settings and representations using XR is increased by extended reality. Digital information is given more intelligence and even personality with XR when compared to their surroundings. A new era of simulated experiences based on real-world business practices and consumer behavior is being ushered in by the XR movement.


Contact us today for a free demo and discover how our clients have achieved strong ROI with our proven solutions. Watch the Dreamerz Lab showcase reel for some more AR experiences in action.

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